Understanding Positive Organizational Environment

There is a well-known HR mantra of ‘Positive Organizational Environment’ that has helped organizations perform well despite the challenging economic climate. This mantra has helped the companies to create a work environment where the employees feel energetic and all charged-up. In other words, these employees experience a positive climate, thus inspiring them to perform better.

What exactly is a ‘positive climate’ or ‘positive organizational?



A ‘Positive organizational climate’ is simply the perception that employees have towards an organization. This perception is developed only through their work experience and a leader is the one who plays a crucial role in creating the same for the employees.

A Leader’s Role: 

Leaders play a major role in creating a ‘positive climate’ as they are the ones who can inspire the employees to push their boundaries. They should also reward individuals who demonstrate exceptional teamwork. Employees who show dedication, perseverance, and conviction of purpose should be openly appreciated by their leader/s.

How to develop positive organizational climate?

Positive organization climate through which both the organization and employees can benefit can be developed. With:

Clarity: Employees should have a clear understanding of the organizations’ goals. This helps them understand their own responsibilities and the role-play in reaching that goal.

Equality: Employees should feel a sense of equality in the organization and not just another employee who is delivering a given task.

Recognition: Every employee wants recognition for their hard work in the organization. In order to create a ‘positive environment’ leaders should show appreciation and acknowledgment and provide them with appropriate feedbacks.

Teamwork: A positive climate can be created with teamwork where everyone is working as a team without any ego clashing.


The above ways are helpful in developing a positive organizational climate. But if leaders and employees want to understand current trends in organizational climate, the Human Resources module of Welingkar’s Hybrid Learning Program takes a case study approach and challenges the students to come up with solutions for creating a positive environment.